Response Resources
Critical resources for assisting during a Hazmat response.
Washington Emergency Management Division
Phone Number: (800) 258-5990
This phone number is the direct contact for WA Emergency Management Divison and is staffed 24 hours a day, they can help with any large scale needs within WA state to include mobilzation of support and the WA EOC.
Phone Number: (800) 424-9300
CHEMTREC, this resource has a list of nearly every chemical shipped and stored within the United States. They can also assist with obtaining assistance from chemical specialists and other industry experts.
Department of Ecology (Spill Response Team)
The primary Hazmat cleanup organization for WA State, if any spill of hydrocarbons is known to possibly reach the water table, the spiller is required to report to the DOE and NRC. The Dept. of Ecology can assist with cleanup assistance in many ways.
Contact the WA EMD OR USE to find your local spill response team
Use this link: to find your local Geographic Response Plans, Equipment, Pipeline Locations, and other critical info within Washington State.
EPA Region 10 (Pacific Northwest)
Phone Number: (206) 553-1200
This is the federal entity of environmental cleanup. They can assist responders with wide area air monitoring, as well as water testing and support the DOE response on large events.
WA Dept. of Health
As they typically do not respond to emergency events, communication after hours may be difficult, however they can assist with general toxicology, but more importantly they can provide EXTENSIVE support for radiological events.
10th Civil Support Team
This team can be contacted by the WA EMD. They provide extensive support for WMD response, identification, and support of response objectives. They have extensive capabilities and can perform material identification, support medical teams, and they provide extensive communications capabilities.
Radiological Assistance Program (RAP)
Phone Number: (202) 586-8100
This is a federal radiological support team in support by the U.S. Dept. of Energy. They can provide extensive support in the field of Rad/Nuc support during an event.
Mobile Detection Deployment Program
Phone: (more difficult to contact). (202) 525-8774 OR (202) 748-1682
This is a Federal resource with multiple area monitors for Rad/Nuc, air monitoring, chem/bio etc. Pretty much all of the terrorism items. They are designed to pre deploy for large scale events such as the Super Bowl and U.S. Open. They may also be able to respond to a large scale incident if needed. The closest location to Washington State is in Portland, OR.
FBI Hazardous Evidence Response Team
Phone (Seattle FBI office: (206) 622-0460
For any significant criminal event involving Hazmat, both local law enforcement as well as the FBI needs to be contacted for proper investigation. The FBI HERT also provide significant insight to mitigation techniques for a wide variety of events.